Fluency Therapy For Individuals who Stutter
Fluency therapy for people who stutter is a gentle and therapeutic journey that teaches mindfulness, acceptance and strategies to enhance fluency and communication.
Although there is not a 'cure' for a stutter, much can be done to reduce how frequently one stutters. Additionally, through therapy you can learn to stutter differently, in a way that is 'relaxed' and 'easy'. This results in the stutter sounding like a 'typical' disfluency (every person, including those who do not stutter, has moments of disfluency in their speech, these are referred to as a 'typical' disfluency).
Although there are strategies that can make your speech more fluent and your moments of disfluency sound 'typical', the most important part of fluency therapy is to explore your feelings and your beliefs around your stutter in a gentle and safe environment so you can learn to accept it. The act of acceptance has been proved to significantly reduce and improve stuttering!
Remember, you might be someone who stutters, but your stutter is not your identity. In the same way as someone who wears glasses or contact lenses is not defined by their vision, you are not defined by your stutter. Yes, it is one part of you, but you are so much more than that!